Greyson Potter

Greyson Potter

Postdoctoral Researcher
Centre for Quantum Mathematics


I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Quantum Mathematics, University of Southern Denmark. Previously, I studied at Boston University, where I earned my PhD in mathematics, and at Columbia University, where I majored in math and minored in philosophy. You can find my CV here.

I also enjoy photography and both playing and designing video games.


I am primarily interested in topological recursion and algebraic geometry, much of which is inspired by physics.

I am actively developing a Python package, called qairy, for computing the invariants from topological recursion by using higher quantum Airy structures and an efficient graph generation algorithm.


As a teaching fellow, I have been a teaching assistant as well as a lecturer. A complete list of the courses I have assisted and taught is available on my CV, which you can find here, and some sample teaching materials can be found here.

I am also a mentor in the Boston University Directed Reading Program. Each semester I guide an undergraduate through an advanced math book and help them prepare a talk about what they learned.


This website also hosts a collection of my projects. I was a founding member of Columbia University Game Design & Development, and in my spare time, I still enjoy designing games and participating in game jams. All of the games that I have made recently in javascript can be found below. You can also find a few projects relating to data and math inspired visualizations.

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